Your Home. Your Bed.
A home sleep study is a simplified version of an overnight, attended sleep study that focuses on nocturnal breathing. Home sleep studies are only used to diagnose or rule out obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Because the emphasis is on breathing, it's possible to use fewer sensors.
Not all patients are good candidates for a home test and not all insurance carriers will cover the cost of the study. If you need a sleep study, your doctor will make a recommendation based on your specific situation whether you should have your test done in the lab or at home.
If you've been scheduled for a home sleep study, you'll need to pick up the equipment from the Precise Sleep Diagnosis & Treatment Center. You'll meet with a sleep technologist to learn how to properly place the sensors and start the study. That night, before bed, you'll need to secure sensors to your upper lip, throat, chest, abdomen and finger. These sensors will record information about your airflow, snoring, breathing effort, heart rate and oxygen levels throughout the night.
In the morning, you'll remove the sensors, return everything to the test kit and return the equipment to the Sleep Center so we can download and analyze the data.